hi!! i'm eli james, although i also go by pidge. i'm 23 years old, transmasculine nonbinary (they/he) and from south australia. i have a bachelor's degree in film production, and my work life is split between a boring office job to pay rent, freelancing on set, and an ever revolving slate of side projects. i am in a queerplatonic relationship and have a tabby cat named ezra.

my ethos as a creative is very much inspired by growing up on the internet of the mid to late 2000s. while i was too young for some things like neopets and runescape, i spent a lot of time on flash games, doll makers, and various forums which have now gone to the big server in the sky. i personally believe the internet is at its best when it's unabashedly itself, non corporatised, and weird as hell. this has ultimately led me to make my own neocities site by hand rather than a more traditional or 'business' portfolio site. i want this site to be a space not only for sharing my work but also to simply talk about whatever i feel like and build community in a way that social media is very much lacking now.

feel free to explore the site as much as you wish!! it is a constant work in progress and i am still very much learning to code, but i hope you enjoy your time at this little rest stop on the information superhighway.


films: the bourne identity, paris texas, the matrix, antiviral, the lost boys, howl's moving castle, the thing, dead poets society
tv shows: the sandman, dirk gently's holistic detective agency, russian doll, silo,
games: fallout: new vegas, star wars jedi fallen order, destiny 1+2, pokemon diamond, control, undertale
assorted: the magnus archives, the vicious duology, video essays about horror and internet culture, australian native birds, the smell of eucalyptus, richard siken's poetry, iced matcha